
Why Should Baby Boomers Invest In Gold or Precious Metals?

Post Type: Quick Baby Boomer Financial Munchie

Question: Why Invest In Gold or Precious Metals?

Quick Answer:

Simply because of diversifying investments and the financial uncertainty of other investment methods.

Now, this does NOT mean you should have ALL of your investments in Gold or precious metals.  Not by a long-shot.  ALWAYS diversify!

Chances are that while you’ll never ever again see the insane runup of gold prices like we did back in the 1970s (remember those times?)…. gold has historically always been a fall-back for investing.

Heck, after my 90+ year old father passed away, I remember looking through the gold proof coins he had bought back in the 70s.  He chose to keep them home.  Still valuable today.

Wise baby boomers have gold as part of their investments.   And remember… if you don’t use it, your kids can as part of your inheritance.




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