
Why Income Diversity Is Better Than Winning The Lottery Ticket

Make Your Wealth Last

What You Will Discover: 3 reasons why growing wealth more than just one way is really smart

Skill Level: Easy

MamaBear says:

“100% of a crash leaves $0 in profit”

Sometimes we’re all creatures of habit.

And once we are comfortable with one way of investing or making money or saving money….

It becomes very comforting NOT to change.

After all, the risks you have ALREADY experienced are ‘way friendlier than something totally new!

Still, though, being complacent in this case can be the kiss of poverty.

Think about it.

Let’s say you invest in one particular mutual fund or stock etc.

And then let’s say that hell freezes over and all of a sudden…

It tanks.

Bigger than the Titanic.

You’re left holding an empty coffeecup with no fresh brew in sight!

So here’s 3 reasons why being brave and diversifying your income is good.

Reason #1.)  You spread out the risk.

Making money via different means (investments, stocks, online entrepreneuring, etc.) protects you should one method dry up.

You’ll still have the other techniques going strong.

Reason #2.)  You don’t always go down with the ship

If you diversify your income, you have more than one way of receiving money.  And if that one way becomes toast… you’re still afloat via your other investing methods.

Reason #3.)  You can ride out short-term losses

Long-term, the stock market makes sense….. but if you panic during short-term losses, you can accelerate your money loss.

If you have multiple streams of income, you will be more comfortable when one financial disaster strikes… and not make unwise short-term desicitions.

So there you have it – 3 reasons why you want part of your money in different baskets….

It’s because if one basket becomes more holey than a fisherman’s net…

You’ll still have the other baskets watertight.

Take control,


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