
The Millionaire In Your House and Other Strange Beings

The Millionaire In Your House and Other Strange Beings

Honestly… wealth starts with you.

What You Will Discover: How to accept the future millionaire you

Skill Level: Easy

MamaBear says:

“A cracked coffeecup always leaks when filled.”

It’s time for a mental exercise!  Have you ever said to yourself…. “Jeepers self, if I was a millionaire, my life would be more different than a one-eyed purple polkadotted purple people eater?”

It’s easy to imagine what you don’t have… *now*… and to think how much better your life will be in the future when your ship comes in.

Thing is…. as well as being a desirable goal, being a millionaire quite often also involves a unique state of mind.

One that isn’t cracked.

One that is capable of receiving new thoughts and not letting them seep out as the days go by.

So here is your first new thought of the new future millionaire of you!

“Whatever your income, always live below your means.”

This is actually a quote by Thomas J Stanley from The Millionaire Next Door.  ‘Tis a superb book!

See, Hollywood and the gossip rags and all those other flashy, slashy entertainment thingees….

They would have you believe that  you’re only wealthy if people LOOK at you and gasp, OMG!  That person must be RICH!

And how do people generally think someone is rich?

By the expensive cars they drive…

The insanely mortgaged McMansions they might own….

The designer labels…

All those visual “things” that anyone could see.

But the thing is….

Smart millionaires like future you know…

It’s not about what other people THINK….

Being wealthy is about how *content* you are as you live your life.

Consider, for example, Ron Read.  He was a janitor.   Drove a second hand Toyota Yaris.  Lived in Vermont.  Quiet, private guy.

And when he passed away, his estate donated $4.8 million dollars to the local charity.

Think about that for a moment.

A janitor owned close to 5 million dollars.

And yet he chose to live his life as HE wanted…. not as what other people would have expected.

He was a wealthy person.

Both monetarily-wise…. and also life-wise.

This is the new idea we want you to internalize.  Certainly, grow your money wisely.  Become a millioniare.

And live a quiet, unassuming life.  A life that makes you glad to wake up above the ground.  A life that is richly rewarding not only because of how much money you possess….

But of how much joy you and your family experiences as time passes by.

Sure, when you become a millionaire, you can paint a red bulls eye on your backside and become a moving target for people who only judge you on what they envy.

But that would be a waste of the real purpose of being wealthy.

You only have one life to live… make it grand.

Take control,

Mama Bear

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