Barbara Ling

Don’t Mess With Your Wealth

We’re Manny and MB Ling and we’re here to show you the best ways to build up a thriving wealth base for your pleasure. We’re baby boomers who have taken control of our investments to satisfying returns… and invite you to share in what we’ve discovered!

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Life is never guaranteed tomorrow

Over 140 people died in 6 coordinated bombings. Words fail us. You can discover more about this disgusting attack at: Fear, grief and support after Paris attacks put French capital under siege Paris attacks leave more than 100 dead These days.... Life can be random. Death can stumble across you without any warning. And we're… Read More


What can an IRA Contain?

Post Type: Quick Baby Boomer Financial Munchie Quick Answer: IRAs (Individual Retirement Arrangements) can hold investments. You can put in: Stocks Mutual funds Exchange Traded funds Cash Bonds CDs Real Estate (subject to specific rules) Precious Metals (Gold IRA) You cannot put into an IRA the following: Collectibles Artwork Antiques Gems Stamps Coins * Rugs… Read More