

What is the Secret To Over 50/Baby Boomer Personal Finance Success?

Post Type: Quick Baby Boomer Financial Munchie Quick Answer: There is no secret to personal finance success. It's like weight loss. You know how to lose weight, you generally have to burn more calories than you consume? Common sense, right?  But if you were to look at all the diet pills and supplements and fads Read More


The Millionaire In Your House and Other Strange Beings

The Millionaire In Your House and Other Strange Beings What You Will Discover: How to accept the future millionaire you Skill Level: Easy MamaBear says: “A cracked coffeecup always leaks when filled.” It's time for a mental exercise!  Have you ever said to yourself.... "Jeepers self, if I was a millionaire, my life would be more different Read More


Why Income Diversity Is Better Than Winning The Lottery Ticket

What You Will Discover: 3 reasons why growing wealth more than just one way is really smart Skill Level: Easy MamaBear says: “100% of a crash leaves $0 in profit” Sometimes we're all creatures of habit. And once we are comfortable with one way of investing or making money or saving money.... It becomes very comforting Read More