

What is the Secret To Over 50/Baby Boomer Personal Finance Success?

Post Type: Quick Baby Boomer Financial Munchie Quick Answer: There is no secret to personal finance success. It's like weight loss. You know how to lose weight, you generally have to burn more calories than you consume? Common sense, right?  But if you were to look at all the diet pills and supplements and fads Read More


What can an IRA Contain?

Post Type: Quick Baby Boomer Financial Munchie Quick Answer: IRAs (Individual Retirement Arrangements) can hold investments. You can put in: Stocks Mutual funds Exchange Traded funds Cash Bonds CDs Real Estate (subject to specific rules) Precious Metals (Gold IRA) You cannot put into an IRA the following: Collectibles Artwork Antiques Gems Stamps Coins * Rugs Read More


Automate Your Savings: Smart Retirement Planning Tip

Post Type: Quick Baby Boomer Financial Munchie Quick How-To:   One of the best ways to increase your savings is to make sure you save no matter what. In other words, if you're still working, make sure there's an automatic 401(k) withdrawal from your paycheck (so you don't even see that money, but you can Read More