

10 Sanity-Saving Ways For Baby Boomers To Survive a Family Thanksgiving

Or maybe... not. Not all families have the perfect relationship... and heck, not all families want to deal with the dishes afterwards!  (Manny and MB will be taking their family to a local Chinese buffet - great food and no dishes and woot!). So following here... are 10 great ways to ensure you survive this Read More


Save For Your Married Spouse: Smart Retirement Planning Tip

Post Type: Quick Baby Boomer Financial Munchie Quick Answer: One word:  Spousal IRA Okay that's 2.  :) If your spouse does not work... And you do..... You can make contributions FOR your spouse in a spousal IRA. Rules include: You must be under age 70.5 (unless its a Roth IRA, then no age restrictions) You Read More


Smart Retirement Planning Tip: Take Advantage of 4 Free Online Calculators

Post Type: Quick Baby Boomer Financial Munchie Quick Answer: So you're thinking about retiring but don't have a clue how much you'll need to spend or save or discover from an unclaimed lottery ticket? Not to fear - there are bunches of superb free online calculators that will help you in your time of need! They Read More