Money Hacks


3 Things You Should Know About 401(k) Loans

Whatever you think you know about 401(k) loans, forget it. There are two sides to the coin that is the 401(k) loan. Each has its own merit. Among the biggest myths about taking a 401(k) loan is the one that says taking money from your own retirement fund - in essence, robbing yourself.The opposite is Read More


Amazon to the Rescue? 3 Ways To Grab Great CyberMonday Retirement deals and….

You can grab all of their details over at this link here. Every 5 minutes... and all week long... New deals will be offered! Now, if you are planning for CyberMonday shopping, here are a few tips to help ensure you make the best of it. Remember... Cybermonday is a day of savings.  Codes.  Coupon Read More


5 Ways For The Over 50 Invest Money Instead of Spend Money on Black Friday (you never considered)

Today is Black Friday! But instead of throwing yourself hugely into the insane buying frenzy, consider the following. Life is short. And unless you REALLY have your coffeecup set on something that you HAVE to buy NOW NOW NOW.... Consider these 5 options for doing somethinge ELSE with that earmarked cash.   Credit card debts Read More