

What can an IRA Contain?

Post Type: Quick Baby Boomer Financial Munchie Quick Answer: IRAs (Individual Retirement Arrangements) can hold investments. You can put in: Stocks Mutual funds Exchange Traded funds Cash Bonds CDs Real Estate (subject to specific rules) Precious Metals (Gold IRA) You cannot put into an IRA the following: Collectibles Artwork Antiques Gems Stamps Coins * Rugs Read More


Why Income Diversity Is Better Than Winning The Lottery Ticket

What You Will Discover: 3 reasons why growing wealth more than just one way is really smart Skill Level: Easy MamaBear says: “100% of a crash leaves $0 in profit” Sometimes we're all creatures of habit. And once we are comfortable with one way of investing or making money or saving money.... It becomes very comforting Read More


The 2 Differences between IRAs and ROTH IRAs, complete with cookies.

Skill Level:  Easy An IRA (Individual Retirement Arrangement - NO!  It's NOT Individual Retirement Account, fancy that!) is a thingee you put either pre-tax money or post-tax money into. What kind of thingee?  Well, think of  it like a cookie jar.  Or a laundry basket.  Or a tool bucket.  Or anything that allows you to carry "stuff". You Read More