

5 Promising Gold Stocks To Invest In for 2016

Gold is always a nice thing to possess (especially as part of your retirement IRA!). And because gold is at an all-time low since 2009.... it might make sense to start squirreling away some for the future! There are 5 ways, more or less, you can invest in gold: Buy real life gold (aka physical Read More


5 Ways For The Over 50 Invest Money Instead of Spend Money on Black Friday (you never considered)

Today is Black Friday! But instead of throwing yourself hugely into the insane buying frenzy, consider the following. Life is short. And unless you REALLY have your coffeecup set on something that you HAVE to buy NOW NOW NOW.... Consider these 5 options for doing somethinge ELSE with that earmarked cash.   Credit card debts Read More


3 Easy Ways To Maximize Your Retirement Savings for 2016

2016 is fast approaching... and that means.... Its time to consider maximizing your 2016 retirement money! Here are 3 ways you can start today. Did you know that workers can contribute up to and including $18,000... to their 401(k) plans during the next year of 2016? Want to know if its worrthwhile?  Workers in the 25 percent tax Read More