
Banish this one main retirement horrible fact of life

Are you close to retirement age and have children?

If so, have you considered how your kids will deal with your eventual passing?

It’s one of the most pressing worries for those baby boomers who are entering their golden years….

But alas, its something many people “put off until later.”

Later never comes, y’know?

The plain fact is, eventually you WILL pass from this life.

And you’ll leave behind all of your wealth.

  • Will your spouse be around to inherit?
  • If not, what about your kids?
  • Will the state assume much of your inheritance?

These are all valid concerns….

But here’s how you can deal with them today.

Step 1.)  Talk with an Estate Planning Attorney Professional

The first thing you should do is chat with an estate planning professional.

Questions to ask include:

  • What is your experience in dealing with estates/trusts/etc.?
  • How do I avoid the probate process?
  • Do you often recommend separate or joint living trusts for couples?

Resources include:


Step 2.)  Talk with your kids

It’s a discussion that simply has to happen.  Trust us, you do NOT want your children to deal with this after you’re gone!

Resources include:

Proceed then to:

Step 3.)  Put into place the best course of action

It’s your ownership – make it happen!

Resources include:

In closing…

It’s a tough talk to have.

But you’ll rest better knowing you’ve done your best for your family….

Now and to the end.

Take control,

Manny and MB

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