
Amazon to the Rescue? 3 Ways To Grab Great CyberMonday Retirement deals and….

Did you know Amazon has you set for Cyber Monday?

You can grab all of their details over at this link here.

Every 5 minutes… and all week long…

New deals will be offered!

Now, if you are planning for CyberMonday shopping, here are a few tips to help ensure you make the best of it.

Remember… Cybermonday is a day of savings.  Codes.  Coupon codes!

Ideally, if you have disposable income, you should save that to your IRA plan.

You can grab all the thrills of securing great deals by Thrift stores, Good Will, garage sales and the like.

‘Course, thats just logic, not common sense.

So IF by chance you want to make it big with this week’s savings….

1.)  Coupon codes!

Virtually guaranteed, there will be coupon codes galore for whatever shop you want to visit.

So go to Google and search for:

STORE coupon CyberMonday


Love saving money!

Next:  Ensure you are:

2.)  Making A List and Checking It Twice

It’s really easy to get caught up in the buying frenzy.  So make a serious list… and then *stick* to it.  If you see fuzzy socks at only $3 a pair and think, oh, my 18 grandkids would enjoy that…

Sure they would.  For a day most likely before the single sock monster ate them.

Be prepared.

And if you like surfing the next while at a coffeeshop….

3.)  Don’t buy on unsecured WIFI networks (aka coffeeshops)

You can tell if your network is secured if there’s a little lock image that shows up next to the shopping cart URL.

If there is NOT, you have no idea if anyone is eavesdropping  on your connection.

Be wise and buy on secured networks…your future identity safety will thank you for it.

Here’s a video that explains it more:


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Take control,

Manny and MB

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