

How to Retire Rich in 1 Simple Sentence:  Save More Than You Spend, Invest Long Term What You Save, & Plan Your Retirement From What You Invest

Hello and welcome to our home! Please come in and make yourself comfortable… coffee or tea perhaps? You’re about to witness the voyages of Manny and MB, two married-for-23-years baby boomers complete with a boisterous family (which include 4 kids bound for college).

Our mission? Well, like all people over 50 (or 40, or 30, or…), we are confronting:

  • Sending our kids to college debt free (sometimes we think it’s easier to fund starships than burden our children with student loans)
  • Exploring strange new financial trends (so you don’t have to!)
  • Seeking out financial smart strategies (that work for US instead of mainly the investment firms)

* To boldly go and retain our sanity!

Yep… when you’re our age, you get inspired by things like Star Trek and Star Wars. 🙂

So let us now ask you a simple question, okay?

Are you ready to improve your future finances?

Back when we realized colleges can cost not only an arm and a leg but an entire football team (complete of course with a cheer-leading squad), we were smacked in the fact by the following fact.

Investment companies are out for their stock-holders first, second, third, seventy-fourth….

And then for the little folk like us.

Makes sense, after all – Investment companies need our money from people like you and me to fund their trading, right?

Thing is…. we wanted our money to work for *us*.

What a crazy idea, right? But its something you hear all the time – “Managing your money is too difficult unless you’re trained! Let our companies do it for you!”

MB (the matriach of the family) was brainwashed hook, line and sinker. Her attidue about money back then was “Too complicated! Husband, we’re not the experts… we need to hand it off!”

But Manny (the Bell Labs retired patriarch) knew he could don on his superhero cape and fly (well, walk very sedately) to the rescue. If he could talk geek for the past 647 years (he’s a 30+ year veteran from Bell Labs), he could not only learn the mysterious language of finances…..

But also apply the big-dog investing strategies to his family.

And that’s what he did.

Robert G Allen, Financier, once said “Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream, and he thinks you’re crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand.”

A lot of baby boomers don’t understand, right? They don’t understand *how* to build up their portfolio, or *how* to start investing, or *how* to take control of their financial future.

We totally get you. Like we shared, 2 years ago, we were stowaways in the same boat….

… But now we’re the captains of our ship!

We built this site to help you take control the same way….

…To help you make your goals possible for *you*.

Our home you’re currently in can be accessed all over the world from the Internet….

And while you’re visiting, you’ll gain the knowledge required for you to achive:

* Your financial freedom

* Your debt freedom

* Your life’s happiness and pleasure

Doesn’t that sound great? And that’s just the appetizers!

Let us invite you to relax and:

  • Eavesdrop on our financial experts who share their best wealth-building tips (our motto is that nobody knows everything (except perhaps Mom) but *everyone* knows something! Put all those somethings together and you’ll have a wealth of quality ideas)
  • Take home with you ecouraging, rewarding motivational strategies that touch upon wealth, investment, savings, working from home and more
  • Benefit from the same level of content proven successful investors are privy to
  • Join a thriving community of people just like you…. who know that money is meant to serve *them* and not the investment companies
  • More

The door is always open and we invite you in! We look forward to walking alongside you during this powerful journey.

How Will Help You Achieve *Your* Goals (otherwise known as our backstory)

Well, it’s like this.

Our own personal experiences have shown that folks like you and us are just throwaway cogs in the investment industry. Lean back and enjoy our story…..

Two years ago, we had our investments in one of the bigname financial institutions….

Like many people, we opted to have our money managed… instead of figuring it out on our own.

What we didn’t realize back then was our money was thrown into a huge pot that was used for the corporation’s investment interests. Understandable, of course. ….

But when we dug deep down into the numbers and what really was resulting in profits… we abandoned the financial investors, struck out on our own….

And brought in a growth of 34.4% compared to the financial institution’s 13.95% growth.

Of course, past performance is no indication of future performance… and your mileage will vary!

But that event *did* show us in brilliant technicolor detail that the best person to oversee your finances….

… is *you*.

If you research and decide you’re alright with financial managers, more power to you!

And if you decide to take an active thriving interest in your own personal finance future, more power to you as well.

Heck, the times have definitely changed!

As over 50 year olds know, no longer can you expect to work for the same corporation during your lifetime.

No longer can you count on companies taking care of you after you retire!

I mean, can you even *afford* to retire now?

Yep. Something to think about.

And that dream of owning your own home….

Or paying off your debts….

Or seeing credit card interest increase, month after month….

It’s no wonder that the:

  • Average American credit card debt is $15,706..
  • Average Mortgage debt is $156,333….
  • Average Student loan debt it $32,953…

The mind reels.

But that’s not going to be you!

Sure, today’s society encourages you to get INTO debt by credit cards, overspending your budget and more.

But is here to protect *you.*

You’re going to discover wealth tips you can apply today…

Savings tips you can implement in the future….

And overall personal finance techniques that can help you grow your investments today.

Subscribe to our site (all of the information here is free!) and gain entry into our world of wealth management for the savvy average consumer.

You’ll love what you learn! Plus the rockin’ thing is … we’re all here helping each other.

About Manny and MB Ling was founded by Manny and MB Ling. Both over 50 years of age, Manny is a retired Bell Labs geek who applied his love of numbers to stock market investing, and MB is a 19+ year veteran in entrepreneurship and marketing online.

After months of detailed analysis, they realized that what they discovered….

Deserves to be known by one and all.

In 2015, they took the leap to share their knowledge with the world… and was born.

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