
5 Ways For The Over 50 Invest Money Instead of Spend Money on Black Friday (you never considered)

Why buy stuff you might not need?  Invest the money instead.

Today is Black Friday!

But instead of throwing yourself hugely into the insane buying frenzy, consider the following.

Life is short.

And unless you REALLY have your coffeecup set on something that you HAVE to buy NOW NOW NOW….

Consider these 5 options for doing somethinge ELSE with that earmarked cash.

1.)  Pay off your credit card debt


Credit card debts exist to leech your money away.  Well, they exist for more reasons of course (line the bank’s pockets) but we digress.

Check out your current debt and use your saved Black Friday money to pay it off.  Plugging that hole will ensure next month… you’re not paying the same damned amount again and again.

2.)  Contribute it to your IRA

If you haven’t yet maxed your IRA contributions out yet…. well then, why not make sure your money is safely growing?

The IRA has a great section about that over at IRA FAQs.

3.)  Dedicate your money to your emergency savings fund

Life is never guaranteed.   And it’s also never guaranteed that a freshly drivered-licensed teen who borrowed the family ‘Benz won’t hit your practical MooseMobile when it was hibernating in your driveway.

Ideally insurance will cover it…. but if not…

… Having an emergency stash will really help.

4.)  Spend your Black Friday money on something yearly or LIFETIME

Do you use bulk warehouses like Costco or BJs?


Well then, buy a yearlong membership so the savings come at you ‘year round!

5.)  Invest in *yourself*

Instead of buying a 938 inch 4K TV….

  • Buy a gym membership.
  • Or a stress relief workshop.

It gets around the “MUST…. BUY…. SOMETHING!” desire……

AND gets you something that can improve your health ‘year round.

And IF you STILL want to dash headlong into the Black Friday shopping insanity….

Well then, make it worth your while!

Check out these roundup of apps:



Black Friday is a time where you can get great deals, yes…..

But if you can give yourself permission to look ahead….

Investing that money might be the way to go.

Take control,

Manny and MB



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