
10 Sanity-Saving Ways For Baby Boomers To Survive a Family Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving!  And with it, perhaps…. you’re going to see your kids and relatives and enjoy a wondrously glorious Thanksgiving!

Or maybe… not.

Not all families have the perfect relationship… and heck, not all families want to deal with the dishes afterwards!  (Manny and MB will be taking their family to a local Chinese buffet – great food and no dishes and woot!).

So following here… are 10 great ways to ensure you survive this Thanksgiving.

Let’s start with:

1.)  Do realize life is short.

It’s only 1 day.  Don’t invest your angst or emotion into any potential arguments that want to erupt.

By tomorrow, you’ll ideally be back home and safe for another year.

Life is too short. Don’t waste it on idjuts.

2.) Do realize you don’t have to be married to your kids’ spouses

Does one of your kids’ spouses set your teeth so on edge, you could imitate a hyper-active beaver?

If so, remember.

You’re not the one married to them.  It’s their issues.. not yours.

3.) Do manage expectations

Sure, a delightful wondrous holiday time, complete with profound thankfulness and heart-felt beauty…

… is amazing.

But it doesn’t always happen.

Traffic might delay people arriving.

Hyperactive kids might eat your holiday display.

In short, life happens.  Don’t be disappointed if your Thanksgiving doesn’t turn out as expected….

Be grateful you were alive to have one more.

4.) Do keep a kids’ table

Are you hosting?  Do your guests have kids?

If so, see if you can shutter them off to another table and NOT silence the adults.

After all, kids are generally bored by adult conversation.

Why make them suffer?

Which brings me to:

5.)  Do offer fast food

If one of the kids attending is a spoiled brat….

Invest in chicken McNuggets to shut their faces.

Ditch your ego.  Kids generally don’t appreciate the gourmet fare you’ll be providing anyways.. so why waste it on them?

But not only kids can be tweebleheads…. adults can as well!

So at the very beginning….

6.)  Do decide on a Time Out sign

Every family has one idjut who simply HAS to make trouble.

When you notice your other guests getting uncomfortable, give a Times Out sign with your hands (or simply whack them on the head with the turkey.  That helps too).

Remember – this is YOUR show.  Don’t let your jerky family members try to ruin it.

How can you help preventing that?

Easy!  Make sure you:

7.)  Don’t confront

If someone is spouting off their ideas that are dumber than a moose trying to figureskate across unset jello….

… and IF nobody else is bothered by it…

Don’t confront.


You have only today to get through.

Which brings me to:

8.)  Don’t escalate

If that figure-skating moose imposter tries to up their stupidity….

Do NOT say, “FIGHT ME!”

As tempting as it is.

Nope, instead, simply charmingly and say, thank you for your input.

It will annoy the hell out of them.

Remember in all cases:

9.)  Don’t take ownership

The only person you can control… is yourself.

If  family members start making you yearn for the maturity of sleep-deprived toddlers, remember you don’t own their foolish actions.

They do.

And you’re not them.

Life is good.

And to ensure it STAYS good:

10.) Do remaster your ability to count to 10

Something bothers you?

You don’t have to react.

Simply count to 10.

9347598376 times, if necessary.

Want other resources for surviving a Family Thanksgiving?

Check out:

Or perhaps:


It’s Only One Day.

You can survive!

Take control,

Manny and MB


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